Our Work

Project Goal

To shift understandings and practice of solidarity in global health so that solidarity can play an even more active role in increasing equity and justice.


  • Generate an intercultural understanding of solidarity for global health, with a particular emphasis on de-silencing marginalised voices
  • Encourage exchange and dialogue among scholars who work in the field of global health with a focus on solidarity but come from different cultures and disciplines.
  • Generate a shared set of core goals that the practice of solidarity in global health entails.
  • Design metrics and produce a solidarity index and ranking that will measure the practice of solidarity among global health actors. The initial solidarity ranking will target global health research funders but can later be expanded to other sectors.
  • Nurture young scholars in engaging across cultures, carrying out conceptual and empirical ethics research, and producing impactful research outputs.


We employ pluriversality —the idea of a world in which many worlds fit—and other incompletely theorised concepts. A pluriversal framework de-silences perspectives that have been peripheral to the conceptual frameworks operating in global health. The incompletely theorized agreements focuses on identifying and agreeing on actionable solidarity goals that emerge from the various conceptions. While complete conceptual agreement is not essential for collaboration in policy-making, understanding each other's perspectives often helps in reaching a consensus on shared goals.

Activities :


We undertake various activities including scoping reviews, empirical research, regional and international workshops and seminars as well as publication of academic papers and participation in academic conferences and global meetings. The Global Health Solidarity Network (GHSN) serves as a rallying forum that engages individual members from diverse backgrounds to actively involve them in seminars, capacity building, advocacy, knowledge sharing and inclusivity.

Expected Outcome:

The project works towards:

  • Broadening and enriching academic solidarity discourse in global health.
  • Giving a space to silenced voices to make important contributions to the global health conversation around solidarity.
  • Pushing academics and actors in the global health space to go beyond mere rhetoric to generating and enacting measures for the practice of solidarity.
  • Offering actionable tools that will allow actors and the public to measure how actors are living up to solidarity ideals and standards in global health.


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