The GH-Solidarity project kicks off its bi-monthly webinar series, featuring insights from interviews on the concept of solidarity.
This webinar will focus on emerging findings from interviews with senior staff in influential global health organizations, about meanings and practices of solidarity. Enablers and challenges to solidarity described in these interviews will be presented and serve as the starting point for an open discussion on the complexities of solidarity in relationships between higher and lower resourced global health actors.
Leading these discussions are Prof. Elysee Nouvete who is a medical anthropologist and an Associate Professor in the School of Health Studies (Global Health) at Western University in London, Ontario. Uniting her work is a commitment to bringing lived experiences of those on the receiving end of global health initiatives into evaluations of those initiatives: their value, limits, and impacts. And Dr Mary Ndu Mary Ndu, is a recent PhD and a passionate advocate for global health equity. As a research associate on the solidarity project, she works with Dr. Elysee Nouvet at Western University, Ontario on the qualitative exploratory study.
We will discuss the complexities of solidarity in relationships between higher and lower resourced global health actors.
Please register to join us: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUpfumuqDkrGdz5bRv7ix0dXWf0GFRsrWGL